job evaluation & grading
We carry out job evaluation and grading exercises to meet the specific needs of our clients. As a part of this exercise, individual jobs are analysed, job descriptions outlined and a salary structure is then prepared.
ICT audits
We work in conjuction with auditors to review and enhance computer systems performance and security.
IT research & development
As part of our full IT-related services, we carry out research on technology solutions for our clients.
IT training
We undertake training needs analysis and ICT training for senior management and normally design it specifically for the organisation's requirements.
recruitment & selection
We provide regular recruitment services to more than 40 clients. The services cover all areas of technical and management fields.
human resource management

We work with organisations to help them overcome a variety of problems resulting from changes in the business environment or arising out of internal changes.

information systems consulting

We work in conjunction with auditors to review and enhance computer systems performance and security.

security & business intelligence

Our business continuity solutions establish a set of actions to be invoked in the event of an emergency in order to return to business as usual.



Address: 3rd Flr, Western Heights, Karuna Road, Nairobi

Tel: +254 20 3744430, +254 723 028383

Fax: +254 20 3742938



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